Virtual Sports
Virtual Sports.iso
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Text File
336 lines
(C) 1995 Digital Lobster Company
A. Requirements.
1. Installation.
2. Setup.
3. Controls.
3.5 Tips.
4. Network Play.
5. Modem/Serial Play.
6. Troubleshooting.
A. Requirements
You'll need:
486 or better Computer.
8 Megs RAM Available.
DOS 5.0 or better
You might want:
Sound Blaster Compatible Sound.
Gravis Type Gamepad.
IPX network.
9600 (or better) baud modem (16550 UART only).
local bus video.
1. Installation
1. Insert Disk into CD-ROM drive.
2. type d: (substitute your CD-ROM letter if it is not "d".
3. type install.
Once in the install program do the following:
a. Fill in the destination drive. (C if this is your hard drive letter).
b. Fill in the source drive. (D if this is your CD-ROM drive letter).
c. Change destination directory if you choose.
d. Set for CD-INSTALL or for FULL-INSTALL.
CD install only copies about 2 Megs of data to your hard drive.
Full install copies about 54 Megs to your hard drive.
e. Select Begin Install.
1. TKOB is not designed to run under Microsoft Windows. When running this
program do not launch from windows. Run directly from DOS.
2. TKOB should not be run from any type of menu program such as Dos Shell.
This will probably cause problems.
2. Setup
1. Type setup in the directory you have installed to.
Once in the setup program you may set these options.
a. SOUND OPTIONS. This allows you to select the Sound Blaster
or compatible sound card. You can change the DMA, IRQ, and
port address.
b. COMMUNICATIONS. This option allows you to setup default com
port, baud rate, and modem information. Once in the Modem
menu you can select a modem type off the modem list or manually
enter init string, hang up string, and dial prefix information.
c. NETWORK OPTIONS. You may change your ipx socket number if the
current one is in use. This is a handy feature if you are
attempting to play a game over a network that already has
a network game in progress.
d. CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION. This allows you to configure keys
as well as set joypad buttons, and allows you to speed up
or slow down your mouse response.
e. EXIT AND SAVE CHANGES. This must be done at least once so that
setup will create a rbsetup.cfg file.
f. EXIT AND DO NOT SAVE CHANGES. You can leave setup without saving
the current changes.
3. Controls
MOVE UP: Moves the fighter forward.
MOVE DOWN: Moves the fighter backward.
MOVE LEFT: Moves the fighter left.
MOVE RIGHT: Moves the fighter right.
BLOCK LOW: Blocks attacks aimed at your body.
BLOCK HIGH: Blocks attacks aimed at your head.
BLOCK ON: Blocks head attacks unless MOVEDOWN. then it
blocks body attacks.
PUNCH LEFT: Punches left.
PUNCH RIGHT: Punches right.
SPECIAL: Used in concert with above keys for special moves.
3.5 Tips.
1. Vary your attacks. Attack at the head, then at the body.
2. Find and use special moves. They inflict much more damage then do jabs.
3. When playing the computer, listen for the stun bell when they stun.
If you do not here one, beware, they may come to in a hurry.
4. Alternating left and right punch buttons while stunned. This will cause
your trainer, The old man at ringside, to fan his towel. This, if
done rapidly enough, will bring you back to reality. (You'll hear the
stun bell when you come to.)
5. Count head shots. Once you hit your opponent 4 times in the head
they are sure to stun. Then whollup them with a hard hitting attack.
(Unless tip #3 applies)
6. When playing the computer be especially aware of the timer. When it goes
to 1:32 and 0:32 the computer boxer will often step back and taunt you.
use this knowledge to pounce at just the right time.
7. Press both buttons to upper cut. This is a low attack but is very powerful
It will not your opponent on their keyster, but you'll need to be
close to connect with this one.
8. Block Hi and Block Low. These computer chics can get pretty confused
if you Block Hi then immediately punch low and vice-versa.
4. Network Play
To enable network play, run boxing.exe by typing boxing while in the
directory you installed into. Then choose MultiPlay from the
options menu, then choose network. TKOB will then attempt to
find another player over the network.
Note: You must use the same socket number as the person you are
attempting to link up with. The socket number may be changed with
setup.exe. Choose Network Options. Then choose change socket number.
5. Modem
To enable modem play, run boxing.exe by typing boxing while in the
directory you installed into. Then choose MultiPlay from the
options menu, then choose modem.
Once there you may modify the port speed rate and the Com number.
The baud rate is the rate
that the port is set at, not the rate the modem can attain.
Then choose either dial or answer. If you choose dial. You
will be prompted to enter phone number. enter it and press
return. TKOB will then initialize the com port and send the
init string you chose in the setup program. Afterwhich it will
dial the number you have specified.
If you chose answer TKOB will send the init string from the
setup program to the modem and will wait for a ring.
If the modem you have is not listed in the setup program you may manually
choose an init string that will perform the following.
1. error correction must be disabled.
2. flow control must be disabled.
3. data correction must be disabled.
4. set DTR to return modem to command mode so TKOB can hang up
properly. (Not necessary but convenient.)
If the connection seems slow you may not have set one of the above
If the modem answers but justs keeps saying sending DIAL or waiting for
DIAL, you may not have set one of the above correctly. Also some modems
allow you to manually tell them to speed buffer. This will handle
discrepancies between modem baud rates and port baud rates.
1. Attempt connection at the lowest baud rate possible first.
2. Make sure your com port is set correctly.
3. Setting the proper init string is critical to proper modem performance.
6. Troubleshooting
Unable to alloc...: this could mean that your computer does not have enough
memory to run Total Knockout Boxing. You need to have 8 Megs of
RAM. If you have at least 8 Megs of RAM but still get this message
check to see of you are running a disk cache such as smartdrv. This
may be done by looking at your autoexec.bat file.
Unable to alloc...: You may have 8 Megs of RAM but they are not entirely
available. the mem <ENTER>. This will give you a run down of
your computer memory situation. TKOB is a protected mode program
and does not care too much about the amount of Real Mode memory.
Only the total memory. (The exeption to this is TKOB uses a pinch
of Real Mode Memory in Network Play since that is the way IPX
wants it. Are you running a disk cache such as smartdrv. You can
check this by looking at your autoexec.bat file. If you locate a
line that has smartdrv in it you probably are. You may want to disable
any disk caching if you are having problems of this nature. Using
a clean boot disk is always a good idea.
Unable to open...: This could be because you do not have the TKOB CD-ROM in
your CD-ROM drive.
Unable to open...: One of the files is corrupt you may want to attempt to re
install TKOB.
Unable to read...: One of the files is corrupt you may want to attempt to re
install TKOB.
IPX not detected message: This means that TKOB cannot find an IPX network.
Make sure ipx protocols are loaded on both computers.
IPX is detected but cannot seem to find other player.
Check to see that both players are using the same socket number.
TKOB will list the socket number when it is opened. make sure this
number is the same on both machines. If not you may change the socket
number in the setup.exe program. If a network game is already in
progress on the network you MUST change the socket number to start a
new network game being played at the same time as the one already
in progress. This way, multiple network matches can be played on
the same network at the same time.
- Intermittent errors while playing a modem game. Flakiness.
This serial port UART is a 8250 UART. TKOB only supports the
16550 UART. The 8250 is old and has a ridiculously small buffer.
This causes data loss at times that will cause problems with modem
and serial play.
You may have a bad phone connection. Try re-connecting.
- One computer dials, the other answers but the two fail to establish a link.
This can be caused by a variety of things. One is check to see if
both computers are using the same port speed. Start both machines
at 9600 first. It may also be caused by an improper modem init
string. Check that you are both disabling Error Correction and
Data Compression.
- The game plays excessively slow. Most likely, you have not disabled modem
error correction and data compression. Otherwise, try a higher
port speed.
- Serial game will not establish link.
This will almost always be caused by not connecting using the same
port speed. Both computers must have their port speed rate set
to the same value. Start at 9600. If you can connect successfully
at 9600 and want to try at a faster rate, try 19200, and so on.
Names used
Sound Blaster