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- (C) 1995 Digital Lobster Company
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- Contents
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- A. Requirements.
- 1. Installation.
- 2. Setup.
- 3. Controls.
- 3.5 Tips.
- 4. Network Play.
- 5. Modem/Serial Play.
- 6. Troubleshooting.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- A. Requirements
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- You'll need:
- 486 or better Computer.
- 8 Megs RAM Available.
- DOS 5.0 or better
- You might want:
- Sound Blaster Compatible Sound.
- Gravis Type Gamepad.
- IPX network.
- 9600 (or better) baud modem (16550 UART only).
- local bus video.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Installation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Insert Disk into CD-ROM drive.
- 2. type d: (substitute your CD-ROM letter if it is not "d".
- 3. type install.
- Once in the install program do the following:
- a. Fill in the destination drive. (C if this is your hard drive letter).
- b. Fill in the source drive. (D if this is your CD-ROM drive letter).
- c. Change destination directory if you choose.
- d. Set for CD-INSTALL or for FULL-INSTALL.
- CD install only copies about 2 Megs of data to your hard drive.
- Full install copies about 54 Megs to your hard drive.
- e. Select Begin Install.
- Notes:
- 1. TKOB is not designed to run under Microsoft Windows. When running this
- program do not launch from windows. Run directly from DOS.
- 2. TKOB should not be run from any type of menu program such as Dos Shell.
- This will probably cause problems.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Setup
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Type setup in the directory you have installed to.
- Once in the setup program you may set these options.
- a. SOUND OPTIONS. This allows you to select the Sound Blaster
- or compatible sound card. You can change the DMA, IRQ, and
- port address.
- b. COMMUNICATIONS. This option allows you to setup default com
- port, baud rate, and modem information. Once in the Modem
- menu you can select a modem type off the modem list or manually
- enter init string, hang up string, and dial prefix information.
- c. NETWORK OPTIONS. You may change your ipx socket number if the
- current one is in use. This is a handy feature if you are
- attempting to play a game over a network that already has
- a network game in progress.
- d. CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION. This allows you to configure keys
- as well as set joypad buttons, and allows you to speed up
- or slow down your mouse response.
- e. EXIT AND SAVE CHANGES. This must be done at least once so that
- setup will create a rbsetup.cfg file.
- f. EXIT AND DO NOT SAVE CHANGES. You can leave setup without saving
- the current changes.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Controls
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- MOVE UP: Moves the fighter forward.
- MOVE DOWN: Moves the fighter backward.
- MOVE LEFT: Moves the fighter left.
- MOVE RIGHT: Moves the fighter right.
- BLOCK LOW: Blocks attacks aimed at your body.
- BLOCK HIGH: Blocks attacks aimed at your head.
- BLOCK ON: Blocks head attacks unless MOVEDOWN. then it
- blocks body attacks.
- PUNCH LEFT: Punches left.
- PUNCH RIGHT: Punches right.
- SPECIAL: Used in concert with above keys for special moves.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.5 Tips.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Vary your attacks. Attack at the head, then at the body.
- 2. Find and use special moves. They inflict much more damage then do jabs.
- 3. When playing the computer, listen for the stun bell when they stun.
- If you do not here one, beware, they may come to in a hurry.
- 4. Alternating left and right punch buttons while stunned. This will cause
- your trainer, The old man at ringside, to fan his towel. This, if
- done rapidly enough, will bring you back to reality. (You'll hear the
- stun bell when you come to.)
- 5. Count head shots. Once you hit your opponent 4 times in the head
- they are sure to stun. Then whollup them with a hard hitting attack.
- (Unless tip #3 applies)
- 6. When playing the computer be especially aware of the timer. When it goes
- to 1:32 and 0:32 the computer boxer will often step back and taunt you.
- use this knowledge to pounce at just the right time.
- 7. Press both buttons to upper cut. This is a low attack but is very powerful
- It will not your opponent on their keyster, but you'll need to be
- close to connect with this one.
- 8. Block Hi and Block Low. These computer chics can get pretty confused
- if you Block Hi then immediately punch low and vice-versa.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Network Play
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To enable network play, run boxing.exe by typing boxing while in the
- directory you installed into. Then choose MultiPlay from the
- options menu, then choose network. TKOB will then attempt to
- find another player over the network.
- Note: You must use the same socket number as the person you are
- attempting to link up with. The socket number may be changed with
- setup.exe. Choose Network Options. Then choose change socket number.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Modem
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To enable modem play, run boxing.exe by typing boxing while in the
- directory you installed into. Then choose MultiPlay from the
- options menu, then choose modem.
- Once there you may modify the port speed rate and the Com number.
- The baud rate is the rate
- that the port is set at, not the rate the modem can attain.
- Then choose either dial or answer. If you choose dial. You
- will be prompted to enter phone number. enter it and press
- return. TKOB will then initialize the com port and send the
- init string you chose in the setup program. Afterwhich it will
- dial the number you have specified.
- If you chose answer TKOB will send the init string from the
- setup program to the modem and will wait for a ring.
- If the modem you have is not listed in the setup program you may manually
- choose an init string that will perform the following.
- 1. error correction must be disabled.
- 2. flow control must be disabled.
- 3. data correction must be disabled.
- 4. set DTR to return modem to command mode so TKOB can hang up
- properly. (Not necessary but convenient.)
- If the connection seems slow you may not have set one of the above
- incorrectly.
- If the modem answers but justs keeps saying sending DIAL or waiting for
- DIAL, you may not have set one of the above correctly. Also some modems
- allow you to manually tell them to speed buffer. This will handle
- discrepancies between modem baud rates and port baud rates.
- 1. Attempt connection at the lowest baud rate possible first.
- 2. Make sure your com port is set correctly.
- 3. Setting the proper init string is critical to proper modem performance.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Troubleshooting
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unable to alloc...: this could mean that your computer does not have enough
- memory to run Total Knockout Boxing. You need to have 8 Megs of
- RAM. If you have at least 8 Megs of RAM but still get this message
- check to see of you are running a disk cache such as smartdrv. This
- may be done by looking at your autoexec.bat file.
- Unable to alloc...: You may have 8 Megs of RAM but they are not entirely
- available. the mem <ENTER>. This will give you a run down of
- your computer memory situation. TKOB is a protected mode program
- and does not care too much about the amount of Real Mode memory.
- Only the total memory. (The exeption to this is TKOB uses a pinch
- of Real Mode Memory in Network Play since that is the way IPX
- wants it. Are you running a disk cache such as smartdrv. You can
- check this by looking at your autoexec.bat file. If you locate a
- line that has smartdrv in it you probably are. You may want to disable
- any disk caching if you are having problems of this nature. Using
- a clean boot disk is always a good idea.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unable to open...: This could be because you do not have the TKOB CD-ROM in
- your CD-ROM drive.
- Unable to open...: One of the files is corrupt you may want to attempt to re
- install TKOB.
- Unable to read...: One of the files is corrupt you may want to attempt to re
- install TKOB.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IPX not detected message: This means that TKOB cannot find an IPX network.
- Make sure ipx protocols are loaded on both computers.
- IPX is detected but cannot seem to find other player.
- Check to see that both players are using the same socket number.
- TKOB will list the socket number when it is opened. make sure this
- number is the same on both machines. If not you may change the socket
- number in the setup.exe program. If a network game is already in
- progress on the network you MUST change the socket number to start a
- new network game being played at the same time as the one already
- in progress. This way, multiple network matches can be played on
- the same network at the same time.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Intermittent errors while playing a modem game. Flakiness.
- This serial port UART is a 8250 UART. TKOB only supports the
- 16550 UART. The 8250 is old and has a ridiculously small buffer.
- This causes data loss at times that will cause problems with modem
- and serial play.
- You may have a bad phone connection. Try re-connecting.
- - One computer dials, the other answers but the two fail to establish a link.
- This can be caused by a variety of things. One is check to see if
- both computers are using the same port speed. Start both machines
- at 9600 first. It may also be caused by an improper modem init
- string. Check that you are both disabling Error Correction and
- Data Compression.
- - The game plays excessively slow. Most likely, you have not disabled modem
- error correction and data compression. Otherwise, try a higher
- port speed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Serial game will not establish link.
- This will almost always be caused by not connecting using the same
- port speed. Both computers must have their port speed rate set
- to the same value. Start at 9600. If you can connect successfully
- at 9600 and want to try at a faster rate, try 19200, and so on.
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- Names used
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- Sound Blaster
- Gravis
- Microsoft